Sunday, July 29, 2007

Chest Infection In Late Pregnancy

out is Go down, go inside is to climb. Inwards is the inner world, upwards and inwards mean the same thing out and down the same thing. When you have to interact with people you have to go out and when the level of consciousness of these people is very low you have to lean, which is very tired.
Jesus, Buddha and Mahavira, they all went to the mountains. They went to a lonely place to regain their elevation, their purity, their own state. To extend your arms again, to be themselves and be with God. With God, begin to rise higher. With God, you become a dove, returns to height. There is no limit. Return once again to be vital, full of God, I become like a cloud filled with rain pouring like you. Come back with the crowd where people are thirsty.
People ask me why am I alone in my room. That's my mountain. That's where I can soar high. No need to think of you, to commune with you. No need to work with the body or the mind. I can forget the body and mind. I can forget you. I can forget everything.
In those moments of forgetting everything, you are. And that being is immense. That being has splendor. It's fresh, it is vital, because it is the very origin of life.
But once you're full of life, you have to share.
So every morning I come back with you, every evening I go back with you. I am continually going from my mountain to the crowd!

OSHO: The meaning hidden from the Gospels, pp. 27-28.


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