Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hollywood Actors By Tall

views / Eduardo Galeano

If Eve had written Genesis?

as would be the first night of love
of mankind?
Eve had begun to clarify that she was not born of any rib
not met any snake,
apples or offered to anyone
and that God never said she will give birth in pain and your husband will dominate.

That all these are all lies that Adam told reporters.

If the Apostles had written the Gospels,
how serious the first night of the Christian era?

San Jose, count the Apostal, was in a bad mood.
He was the only one who had a long face at the manger where the baby Jesus,
newborn, shone in her crib straw.
all smiling: the Virgin Mary, the angels, shepherds, sheep,
the ox, donkey, the wise men came from the East and the star that had
led to Bethlehem of Judea.

all smiling, except one. San Jose, dark, muttered: "I wanted a baby.

In the jungle, city law called the habit of devouring the weaker?

From the point of view of a sick people, what does the sound currency?

Arms sales is good news for the economy,
but not as good for their dead.

From the point of view of the south, the northern summer is winter.

From the point of view of a worm, a plate of spaghetti is an orgy.

where Hindus are a sacred cow, others see a great burger.

From the standpoint of Hippocrates, Galen, Maimonides, and Paracelsus,

was a disease called indigestion,

but there was a disease called hunger.

From the point of view of its neighbors in the town of Cardona, Toto Zaugg,

who was wearing the same clothes in summer and winter,

was a man admirable: "The cold has never Toto said.

He did not say anything. I was cold, but had no coat.

From the point of view of the owl, the bat, the bohemian and the thief,

twilight is the time for breakfast.

The rain is a curse for tourists and good news for farmers.

From the native point of view, the picturesque is the tourist.

From the viewpoint of the Indians of the Caribbean islands,

Christopher Colon, with their hats and red velvet cape,

was a parrot of dimensions never seen before.

From the point of view of the eastern part of the world, on the west is night.

in India who are in mourning wear white. In ancient Europe, the black

color of the fertile earth, was the color of life, and white

color of the bones, was the color of death.

According to the old sages of the Choco region of Colombia,

Adam and Eve were black and blacks were his sons Cain and Abel.

When Cain killed his brother in a club, the wrath of God thundered.

face the fury of the Lord, the murderer turned pale with guilt and fear,

and both pale white to stay until the end of his days.

whites are all children of Cain.


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