Item 6 of the draft common agenda for European social democratic parties, which Olof Palme stated in its correspondence with Willy Brandt and Bruno Kreisky, April 29, 1974. To see the 11-point program: :
6. Social Services . Many needs are so important that must be satisfied regardless of the economic potential of individuals. These needs include, inter alia, reasonable care in case of illness, education, protection and care of children and the elderly. Satisfying these needs is developed community awareness among people, while creating new jobs. ______________________________________________________
Part of the letter to Willy Brandt, Bruno Kreisky, March 17, 1972: (...)
Most agree that everyone-including those without financial means, should receive equal medical care when ill. It also seems clear that the chances of receiving an adequate education should not depend on income level of parents of students. But if we are the same opinion in this regard, we should also agree that this we are committed to make certain sacrifices for a policy of solidarity. (...) But at the same time, it is difficult to understand that society should be provided with the information necessary means to fulfill their obligations . It is a duty of democracy and socialism meet these demands, different and partly contradictory, this can only be achieved through a constructive policy, framed in a democratic process that gives the man a greater perspective and relates today's problems with which to arise in the future.
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