Common Program Proposal European social democratic parties, which Olof Palme stated in its correspondence with Willy Brandt and Bruno Kreisky, April 29, 1974. (1)
1. Social Democratic o. We declare unwavering supporters of the democratic system maintenance. We believe that reform is the only way you can combine the transformation of society with fundamental democratic principles such as freedom of expression. Socialism can only be done if people are engaged and collaborating in the effort.
2. Trade Union Movement strong and vigorous citizen initiatives . Many important social roles can find better solutions in the hands of spontaneous public agencies through state or private action. The empowerment of citizens' initiatives is a commitment and strengthening the community's influence in the collective work.
3 - employment level. We consider full employment as the most important political objective and urgent. We work for everyone. Society must play an active role when it comes to creating new jobs and a balanced distribution of employment opportunities in different regions.
4, reform of working life. To develop industrial society is necessary to reform the lives of workers, and they in turn. hand, should have influence in the planning and development work. Working conditions should improve with the help of labor organizations and workers. Finally, it is necessary to increase safety at work.
5. We involve citizens in decisions . You have to give workers greater participation in economic decisions. democratization is needed in all areas of society and, consequently, the need to fight the bureaucracy. Also, the community, through the State must increase its control over the use and exploitation of natural resources such as water, soil, energy and other raw materials. We must also increase the influence of trade unions and of society in the development of new economic plans.
6. Social Services . Many needs are so important that must be satisfied regardless of the economic potential of individuals. These needs include, inter alia, reasonable care in case of illness, education, protection and care of children and the elderly. Satisfying these needs is developed community awareness among people, while creating new jobs.
7. Quality of life, progress. We strongly oppose the threat of consumerism for the quality of life, the sense of community and cultural heritage of society. We declare ourselves in favor of social security and equality, the construction of a genuine social welfare system and an active policy in the cultural, environmental and consumer protection-The Social Special emphasis in their desire for self-realization and community integration for all men, for that prepend want these values \u200b\u200bto a mere struggle for material growth.
8. Equal rights for women. have to eliminate discrimination still faced by women in our society. We need to work actively for women to obtain greater opportunities for development in politics and society. The most important objectives are the elimination of prejudices and obtaining equal rights for men and women at work, in education and in all respects. Obviously, this equality de derechos debe estar garantizada por la ley. Así mismo, hay que adecuar las condiciones de trabajo de manera que la actividad laboral y la vida familiar sean fácilmente compatibles.
9. Empresas multinacionales. Las grandes empresas multinacionales aumentan la concentración de poder en manos privadas y debilitan la influencia democrática en decisiones económicas claves. Una mayor concentración económica hará aún más difícil de alcanzar la estabilidad de precios y conseguir un desarrollo social equilibrado. Para aumentar el control democrático y social sobre las empresas multinacionales es necesario un gran esfuerzo conjunto de gobiernos, partidos, unions and other civic organizations.
10. immigrants. The exploitation suffered by migrant workers by employers contradicts the most elementary principles of social democracy. Immigrant workers should have the same rights as nationals, both in the workplace and in society. Pay special attention to language and housing problems of immigrants, and find quick and effective solutions. We must also give equal education to the children of immigrants. Finally, people who take a long time working in the country must obtain the right to vote in municipal elections where they live.
11. International Solidarity . We support United Nations efforts aimed at achieving detente and disarmament in Europe. We declare ourselves in favor of promoting and respecting the national independence of all countries and protect the right of all States to have its own natural resources. We also support the creation of a fairer international trade. Finally, for us to be ready to support and protect the national liberation movements and the struggle against dictatorship.
To facilitate discussion, each program point is treated as individual entries, so here you can reflect on general considerations;
Palme Although oriented toward the European parties, in the letter, later clarified that is not intended to forget the rest of the world. Remember that at this time most third world nations have recently arrived as independent countries and their political systems are poorly consolidated. So Palme want tell you that finding your own way Also remember that you can not impose European traditions to countries with historical circumstances are fully s different. In these statements lies the need to expect these countries to live their own labor movement, the origin of European social democracy. Taking into account the social movements who has lived in Latin America and some Asian countries, today opens the question Can we now extend this program to all these areas and not confine it only to the eurozone? Can we now talk about a global social democratic agenda?
Moreover, recalling the recent past of social democratic parties, I mean its acceptance of many aspects of neoliberalism, To what extent are called social democratic parties are able to take a program like this?
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