Item 7 of the draft common agenda for European social democratic parties, which Olof Palme stated in its correspondence with Willy Brandt and Bruno Kreisky, April 29, 1974. To see the 11-point program: :
1. Social Democratic o. We declare unwavering supporters of the democratic system maintenance. We believe that reform is the only way you can combine the transformation of society with fundamental democratic principles such as freedom of expression. Socialism can only be done if people are engaged and collaborating in the effort.
Letter to Willy Brandt, Bruno Kreisky, March 17, 1972: (...)
a trend to be apolitical, a certain contempt for politics, policy work and representative democracy. This attitude is exploited by our opponents right and left, and from different sectors stated in the parliament and the various political groups only take care of little things. According to this view, politicians despise, or avoid taking a clear position on them, key issues for the progress of humanity, such as population growth, technological progress and environmental destruction. At the same time, there is a clear sense of what other problems very different and much closer, for example, price increases, expectations of employment, standard of living, etc.-are not solved. (...)
Democracy and socialism are inseparable for us, our party chose that path and soon we have a long tradition offers creative possibilities. I think essential to recall the circumstances of training of the labor movement and the conditions that made that choice. Maybe sometimes we believe that democracy has already been done forever, but the rugged debate we have seen in recent years shows that the meaning and requirements of democracy and reform must be cleared with each new generation. The Swedish labor history is characterized by a constant struggle for democracy and an unwavering perseverance in it. His starting point was the same as that of organized labor movements in other countries.
Democracy and socialism are inseparable for us, our party chose that path and soon we have a long tradition offers creative possibilities. I think essential to recall the circumstances of training of the labor movement and the conditions that made that choice. Maybe sometimes we believe that democracy has already been done forever, but the rugged debate we have seen in recent years shows that the meaning and requirements of democracy and reform must be cleared with each new generation. The Swedish labor history is characterized by a constant struggle for democracy and an unwavering perseverance in it. His starting point was the same as that of organized labor movements in other countries.
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