Friday, June 25, 2010 Francisc0
25/5/2010 Already have surgery and everything went well, now has only which to rest and recover gradually. The other day I had the internet all afternoon thanks to my cousin xD I have left your pen drive what happens here in town does not take much net so I can only connect to nothing more than a little bit from time to time. Cari you could talk a little bit the other day *-* I hope you can come back has done. Tati also spoke with you and hope to return to talking with you ^ ^. The truth of village life is very different from the city and I think I never could get used to this and less unable to leave because my father is taking care of my grandmother in the clinic ...
Scott Kay, Artiste Heart
22 / 5 / 2010 Hello Well come yesterday at 5 am and as I have noticed here I have no Internet L so good as I am typing this and then put everything in a couple of entries I want you to know that I do not forget even a second of my dear blog; ) What is on my darling xDD Haha well then I honestly do not know what to write because I'm a little nervous about the truth did not come here on "vacation" but because they operate at my grandmother and my father wanted to be with his mother in a moment I hope everything goes well. It also meant that although we have already finished high school I seriously do miss you a lot and now I think that up here when I get depressed I can not get enough, I am alone in a town where most people are "major" and the only people "young" to be here has not yet completed high school / college or are in town or something. So here I am writing this and waiting to receive any news from your sms. Which by the way Ana sent me a video as mms but will not let me see it like that as I have not brought the cable to pass the videos and photos to the computer I can not see but I'm sure it was from LN (L) ^ ^ Sincerely I think it's one of my longest blog entries and now I have to go bye kisses.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Football Player With The Most Honours
The most famous was undoubtedly the DC-8 painted by the artist Alexander Calder to promote its flights to Mexico and Central America.
Next photo belongs a: Airlines Remembered / Braniff International Airways / Photos © R. Leeuw
Lamentablente the oil crisis in the late '70s, with the recession and consequently to Fuel price rises and also the product of poor management of the company using a very aggressive policy of expansion, ended negatively impacting your financial situation, leading to bankruptcy in May 1982.
But back to my pictures from Ezeiza, is also interesting to note that the airport had a large covered terrace All boarding facilities, a place where these photographs were obtained. Today, the airport has very modern facilities, the level of the best in the world, no doubt, but the planes, which also have modern turbofans, and listens or off, much less is possible to see them. Another feature of the time, was that in order to see some planes land or take off, had to spend hours on the terrace, as air traffic was not even remotely, the frequency of día.Por today that is more noteworthy that this sequence Photo of an evening, there are two Braniff DC-8, a sample of the company's interest in región.También finally, you can see in the pictures, as was then the loading and unloading of passengers, very different today, thanks to modern airport facilities account, as mentioned above lines, product development and growth airline industry.
Finally my photos
Boeing 707-387b of Aerolineas Argentinas in preparation for shipment.
A Boeing 727-116 LAN CHILE, built in 1968 to service.
Tripadvisor Thin Walls Myrtle Beach Sc
Hello again good for truth in Aqualandia ever I had a great had gone and was an amazing experience I ride all (except in the blue tube xD) but otherwise everything. It was amazing and I repeat once again this summer:) I have arranged things ex_mejor even with my friend and tomorrow is the last day that I hope we can arrange to do so. Tomorrow night I'm going to Galicia and hope to have internet there to continue writing both here and in other places in which I participate. Well I think by now I've finished this post I'll write another.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Repairing Hinge On Toilet Seat
Here in this issue of Aerospace no. 523 , mayo-junio/98, you can read a brief overview on this plane and its arrival in Argentina.
The next picture for the Piper PA-11c, LV-NMX, September 2001, then belonging to the flight school "Alas Argentinas", where I got some photos of Mig -15, as mentioned at the beginning, I liked much and so I decided to include in this gallery. What I did not expect to find information on the web on that plane, I found it with great and sad surprise, included in the newsletter Aviation Accidents in 2002. Effectively and unfortunately suffered an accident on March 16, 2002, no fatalities and major damage to the aircraft. Today not one of the aircraft inventory of the school, as we read in the web of it.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Are Broken Capillaries On Breasts
else I can write the Bac 1-11 and his transcendent step Southern Airlines has not been written, especially in the excellent notes / research published on line Ala, , a blog prepared by specialists in the field.
For example, the following links:
And in the next release of compilation of pictures and historical overview of Bac in his long career in Southern, an indispensable contribution to the followers and lovers of commercial aviation:
Therefore, only remains for me to present my photo gallery with a small contribution / souvenir newspaper "my journal header," Aerospace .