Osho: The Book of Secrets
Concentrate on the fire
In life nothing is certain except death.
Second, death is not going to happen eventually, already is producing
. It is a process. As life is a process, death is a process
. Believe now, but life and death are
just your two feet, both legs. Life and death are both a process
. You are dying every moment.
Let me put it this way: Every breath that is life, and
each time you exhale, that's death.
For fifteen minutes, breathe deeply. Sit
in a chair or on the floor, breathe deeply and close your eyes as you exhale.
When the air comes out, you come. And then, let the inhale
body, and when the air is blowing, open your eyes and salt.
is precisely the opposite: when the air comes out, you come, when the air enters,
you go out.
When you exhale, space is created within, because the breathing apparatus is
life. When you breathe deeply you are empty, life has gone
. In a way you're dead, you're dead for a moment.
In the silence of death looks inward.
air moves out: close your eyes and look inward. The space is there and
you can go easily. At the end of fifteen minutes, you feel so deeply relaxed
you'll be ready to practice the art
Lie on your back. First imagine that you are dead, the
body is like a corpse. Lie down and then bring your attention to
the toes. With eyes closed look inward.
Take your attention to the toes and feel the fire is
up from there up, everything is burning.
As the fire rises, your body is disappearing.
Start with your toes and go up.
Why do you start with the feet? Will easier because
fingers of the feet are far away from your self, your ego. Your ego
exists in the head. You can not start with the head, will be very difficult, so
starts from a very distant. The toes are
farthest point from the ego. Begins to burn from there.
feels that the toes are burned, only ashes remain
then scroll slowly, burning everything is fire. Each
hand, legs, thighs, disappear. He goes looking
that have become ashes. The fire rises upward and has traveled
parts are gone, they have become ashes. Follow-up
and finally, the head disappears. Everything has become
.. . The dust has turned to dust.
You'll still just a witness on the hill.
body will be there, dead, burnt to ashes, and you will be the observer,
you be the witness. This witness has no ego.
This technique will take at least three months.
continues practicing. It will not happen in one day, but one day you'll actually
body reduced to ashes. Then you can watch.
Osho: Taken ofThe Book of Secrets
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